selling your home

Home & Garden 5 min read
How to Boost Curb Appeal in 8 Easy Steps

Whether you’re selling your home or you just want to put your best foot forward for your HOA, curb appeal can make a big difference in how your home is perceived. What […]

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Money Management 5 min read
Tax Proration: How to Pay Property Taxes Like a Pro

Tax season is around the corner. If you’ve become a homeowner in the past year, that means you could qualify for homeowner-related write-offs like mortgage interest and discount points. It also means […]

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Mortgage Market 4 min read
7 Home Staging Tips to Nail Your Sale

If you’re selling your home, it’s important to make a great first impression with potential buyers. So, try these home staging tips to make the most of your showings. From interior decor […]

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Mortgage Market 5 min read
Multiple Offers on a House? Here’s How to Choose the Best One

Buying a new home often involves selling your current one. And in this market, that likely means you’ll receive multiple offers from potential buyers. So, if you receive multiple offers on a […]

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Home & Garden 4 min read
Here’s What Not to Fix When Selling a House

Thanks to certain home improvement channels, renovations might seem like a relatively easy way to increase your home’s value. A new door, new floors, a coat of paint, and a few new […]

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Purchase 5 min read
7 Tips for Selling Your Home as Quickly as Possible

Tips and tricks for selling your home in a hurry. (And for the right price.) In today’s hyper-competitive housing market, homes are flying off the proverbial shelves faster than ever before. Demand […]

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