VA Loans
VA Loans: Facts, Myths, and More You Should Know
VA loan fact: The benefits are tough to beat for qualified borrowers (what’s a qualified borrower? More on that later). Another VA loan fact? There’s a lot of not-so-factual information out there […]
Types of VA Home Loans
As a veteran, you have access to some very well-deserved perks. There are dining discounts at restaurants, ticket promos at the movie theater, and did you know you can even get a […]
How Do I Get My VA Certificate of Eligibility?
When it comes to getting your home financed with a VA loan, there are a lot of moving parts. But before the process can be set in motion, you need to get […]
How Many Times Can You Use a VA Loan?
You’re a veteran who’s ready to take out a home loan and it’s not your first rodeo. Wait, are you allowed to use your VA loan for a second rodeo? The short […]
What is a VA Streamline Refinance?
A refi sounds like a great idea. You’ve been thinking of saving on your monthly mortgage payments. You’re all in. But then, the memories of getting your first home loan start to […]
The Real Pros and Cons of Living on a Military Base
Is life on base all it’s cracked up to be? With new servicemembers joining every day and hundreds of military bases available in the U.S. alone, the decision to live on or […]
Why We Offer VA Loans
Active duty military and veterans: We salute you. As an American company, we are proud to offer home financing to those who have served and are serving our country. The U.S. Department […]