Mortgage Market

Mortgage Market 4 min read
The Best Summer Energy-Saving Tips for Your Home

Reducing your home’s carbon footprint is never a bad idea, especially when it means you could save on your utility bills during the hot summer months. As the season heats up, try […]

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Mortgage Market 5 min read
How to Boost Curb Appeal in 8 Easy Steps

Whether you’re selling your home or you just want to put your best foot forward for your HOA, curb appeal can make a big difference in how your home is perceived. What […]

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Mortgage Market 4 min read
7 Home Staging Tips to Nail Your Sale

If you’re selling your home, it’s important to make a great first impression with potential buyers. So, try these home staging tips to make the most of your showings. From interior decor […]

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Mortgage Market 5 min read
What Young Home Buyers Want: 7 Must-Have Home Features

What do young home buyers want? It’s a loaded question, especially when the next generation of homeowners is always around the corner with new priorities and economic landscapes. Currently, if you’re looking […]

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Mortgage Market 7 min read
Home Buying, Defined: 10 Mortgage Definitions You Need to Know

Between the acronyms, abbreviations, and industry-specific jargon, it’s easy to see how the mortgage process can come with a learning curve. Good news: You don’t need to know all of the lingo […]

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Mortgage Market 6 min read
Should I Buy a House? 10 Benefits of Owning a Home

“Should I buy a house?” It’s a big question, with a lot of variables determining the answer. But don’t worry! We’re here to help simplify it with our top 10 benefits of […]

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Mortgage Market 6 min read
House Hunting Tips for First-Time Home Buyers

Our favorite house hunting tips will have you home in no time.  Spring has sprung, the flowers are in bloom, and the curbs are becoming more and more appealing by the day. […]

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Mortgage Market 5 min read
New Build vs. Renovation: How to Choose Your Best Fit

If the existing houses on the market aren’t sparking joy, you’ve probably reached a classic homeownership crossroads: New build vs. renovation. There are a lot of factors to consider when deciding which […]

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Mortgage Market 6 min read
What To Expect When Building a Home

So, you want to build your own home, huh? Congratulations! Whether you’re a first-time buyer or someone who’s getting around to building the custom home you’ve been dreaming of your whole life, […]

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Mortgage Market 4 min read
Sell Your Home Successfully with Professional Real Estate Photos

Professional real estate photos can help a home sell faster and for more money. First impressions are everything, and a picture is worth a thousand words. These old adages ring especially true […]

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Mortgage Market 9 min read
Home Buyer Survival Guide: Buyer’s Market vs. Seller’s Market

When it comes to home buying, there’s no shortage of things to consider. You’ve got the neighborhood, the price range, and the home itself. Then, there’s choosing the right lender and real […]

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Mortgage Market 6 min read
Is It Better to Build or Buy a House?

The median sale price of a home in the United States has steadily risen over the past year. According to numbers from the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the average “sold” […]

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